Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Connecting and trying something new.

As the COVID situation changed education a new conversation started happening across Wyoming.  The task was to figure out how to connect educators with tools, people, organizations and other educator.  The motivations was simple, education has forever been changed and we want to help Wyoming to stay at the top for our children.  The group brought people together from the University of Wyoming, countess school districts and the Wyoming Department of Education.   

The conversation quickly turned to how do we share the stories that make Wyoming Education a beacon in our state...the answer - Wyoming WebEd Radio.  This show will be live streamed on Youtube, Facebook and archived as a podcast.  The group created  "Season 1" with 8 great episodes.

The new adventure part for myself was being elected to be the host.  So myself, along with my faithful sidekicks Joe Schroer & Mia Williams, from the University of Wyoming,  get the privilege of leading these discussions.  

Nervous, and excited we all are to kick this thing off.  July 7 will be the first episode.  

We really want to help connect all the things we can so teachers and schools can share and learn as we continue to face many unknowns for the fall.

Hope to see you there and hope you share advice  and questions  for the group to tackle.  


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How have we improved?

  This Ted style talk was deliver in 2014. Lots of things have changed since 2014.  We have faced global pandemic.  We have seen multiple ...