Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Never waste a crisis, the Covid - 19 change to education.

Winston Churchill is credited with the statement, "never waste a good crisis" and we are living through a crisis  period today.

Homeschooling, virtual education and alternative ways to educate our students has been talked about forever and more fervently in the last 10 years.  Today is different from any day in the past.  We have all seen the meme's about parent's schooling their children since the pandemic has shut down schools across the country and globe.
 We're pretty sure drinking wine from mugs is acceptable during the homeschool dayWe're pretty sure parents are begging teachers for their tips on how to control 'the class'Most parents may have wondered what it would be like to homeschool their kids - and now they're finding out the hard wayWe've never heard of a school stomach, but we're definitely going to be using that in future

These make teachers smile and feel a sense of security but we should all remember, never waste a good crisis!

School & education will look different after this historic event.  Schools, very well, might be more focused on competence and understanding versus seat time.  School budgets will reduce positions and take savings to improve technology and events for learning.  Parents will question educators more, not less, after the pandemic subsides. 

This is a great opportunity to really look at what education is, and what it should be! 

Expect more businesses to allow more flexibility in working away from the office from this moment forward.   Expect parents to see the value in spending more time with their kids. as well. 

How will we react as educators? 
How will we morph into what educators are needed to be, not what we have been?
How will we provide the support that parents don't know about?

There are lots of questions, but I think we would be foolish to think that education will ever look the same after this event. 

"Never waste a good crisis!"  Winston Churchill.

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